If you are looking for the best Skype guitar lessons to take via the internet you have come to the right place! For over 10 years Hamrock Music Instruction has been providing professional guitar lessons over Skype to students all over the world. Skype works well for guitar lessons because of the built in Chat system which saves a video of the lesson, as well as any materials and the weekly assignment, for the student to access for up to 30 days. Although Hamrock Music Instruction also teaches guitar lessons, bass lessons, as well as songwriting, composing, recording, producing, and mixing lessons over Zoom and FaceTime, Skype is the preferred online videoconferencing system because of these key features.
Since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, Hamrock Music Instruction’s in-person students have switched over to Skype guitar lessons and while skeptical at first, many of them now actually prefer them to in-person lessons because of the obvious convenience and ability to record the lessons. Mark Hamrock has developed materials in pdf and mp3 format over the years that work great as presentational tools to make the learning process easier and more fun. These visual aids, as well as Mark’s professional experience of teaching online lessons for many years put Hamrock Music Instruction a cut above other guitar instructors on the web.

A sample visual aid from a Skype guitar lesson
For the best Skype guitar lessons online, try a lesson with Hamrock Music Instruction to experience learning at a higher level. Sign up today for a 15 minute free consultation with Hamrock Music. Contact Mark Hamrock at 949-230-7136 or send an email to mark@hamrockmusic.com to schedule.